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Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation/MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE

Suprascapular nerve block Suprascapular nerve innervation Meier tech.
Spondylolysis Spondylolysis defect of pars interarticularis
Pain generators of the lumbar spine Pain generators of the lumbar spine 1) sinuvertebral nerve innervation - ant. vertebral body, external annulus, PLL 2) medial branch of the dorsal primary ramus innervation - Z-joint, interspinous ligaments, lumbar multifidi 3) other small branch of the dorsal primary ramus innervation - post. vertebral body, lumbar paraspinal muscles and fascia 4) lumbar sympathetic chain의 branch인 gray rami com..
Schober test Schober test쇼버 테스트환자를 바른자세로 서게 한다.5번 요추 spinous process에 줄을 긋는다. 보통 비너스 딤플 (엉덩이 보조개)을 연결한 선이다. 그림 이 선에서 10cm 위에 줄을 긋는다. Lumbar flexion 했을 때 10cm의 길이가 15cm 이상 증가해야 정상이다.
Pinch & grasp grip-types1.jpg (A) Tip pinch; (B) palmar pinch; (C) grasping a disc in the dorsi-flexion of the wrist joint; (D) grasping a disc in the palmar-flexion position of the wrist joint; (E) pure finger extension movement in the dorsi-flexion position of the wrist joint; (f) pure finger extension movement in the neutral position of the wrist joint; (G) pure finger extension movement in the palmar-flex..
공던지기 투수 인대 손상 SLAP lesions - deceleration phase of the overhead throw - late cocking phase of an overhead throw Ulnar Collateral Ligament Trauma throwing의 late-cocking과 acceleration phase에서 most significant stress 발생
어깨를 움직이는 근육들 Shoulder Abd – SS, Lat. delt ER – Post. delt, IS, T. minor IR – T. minor, LD, Sub sca, Ant. delt, P. major
hip ROM 측정의 시작위치 hip ROM 측정의 시작위치