unilateral and/or radicular symptoms 있는 환자
prone position
C-arm oriented posterolaterally ;
라테랄 각도는 30~45도로 Interlaminar inj. 때보다 좀 더 크게
caudal angulation 은 target foramen 위쪽 페디클의 하부 표면이 잘 보이게 위치시킨다.
니들을 medial to the center of the pedicle 로 진행
CSF를 흡인해보고 4~5ml 조영제 주입
proximal nerve sheath, with reflux of contrast into the adjacent epidural space 확인
2 to 3 mL of water-soluble steroid mixture, mixed with 3 to 5 mL of local anesthetic, is injected.
Postinjection films are obtained to document dispersal of the injected materials.
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